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Refunds for academic and/or cultural experts and recognized personalities trips

This is to inform that visiting academic and/or cultural experts and recognized personalities from Italy to Australia and from Australia to Italy may request a refund for their trips if they have been officially invited by a University or by a cultural institution of each of the two countries.


Australian personalities visiting Italy should apply to the Italian Cultural Institute in Sydney or Melbourne, or to the Embassy of Italy in Canberra, Education and Cultural Office, providing the following documents:

a) Formal invitation by the inviting Institution with the exact dates of the visit;
b) Signed and dated letter of acceptance;
c) curriculum vitae;
d) plan of activities during the visit;
e) copy of ID.
The assigned funds will be of € 120,00 per day for the first 6 days and € 93,00 per day for the 7th and 8th day. (a maximum of € 906,00). Only 8 days will be refunded.
The visiting scholar will receive cash once in Italy through the network of Tesorerie Provinciali upon presentation of a valid passport. Applications should arrive at least 40 days before arrival in Italy in order to ensure payment.


Italian experts and personalities visiting Australia may apply for travel expenses.

Applications follow a different procedure whether they are under the auspicies of the Executive Program for Cultural Cooperation or they are upon direct invitation of Universities or cultural institutions

Executive Program for Cultural Cooperation: funds should be requested to MIUR
according to the indications provided at the following link:
MIUR offers a full refund of international trip expenses.

Direct invitation from Universities or cultural institutions: 80% of the cost of a return trip in economy class will be refunded on an Italian bank account. The trip should be direct and cannot depend on the confirmation of a refund.

Italian personalities visiting Australia should apply to the Italian Cultural Institute in Sydney or Melbourne, or to the Embassy of Italy in Canberra, Education and Cultural Office, providing the following documents:
a) Formal invitation by the inviting Institution with the exact dates of the visit;
b) Signed and dated letter of acceptance;

c) a signed document with the personal data of the invited person (name, surname, day and place of birth, residence, C.F.)

d) a signed document with bank account and relevant codes (IBAN)

e) copy of the receipt of the ticket purchased in economy class

f ) curriculum vitae

g) copy of ID
h ) copy of the boarding passes
i) detailed signed and dated report of the visit;
Documents should be sent before November 13 2019. No application will be considered for visits after November 15 2019