The University of Trento has published the calls for admission for the academic year 2025-2026 to two Master’s Degree Courses provided by the School of International Studies.
The first is the Course in International Security Studies (MISS), offered jointly with the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa.
The second is the Course in European and International Studies (MEIS).
The language of all training activities is English.
Both calls for applications include a quota of places reserved for non-EU citizens.
This category includes candidates who have:
– citizenship of non-EU countries and who are not resident in Italy;
– citizenship of non-EU countries with a residence permit for study in Italy and without residency in Italy;
– citizenship of non-EU countries with a temporary protection permit, without residence in Italy and who have not obtained a higher education qualification in Italy.
Scholarships to partially cover living expenses in Italy for a total of 7200 euros per year may be awarded to non-EU candidates placed at the top of the list. The available scholarships are 1 for the MISS Course and 3 for the MEIS Course.
In addition to the scholarships, for a larger number of students, there is the possibility of obtaining an exemption from paying university fees, based on the points awarded in the admission ranking. Lastly, a further possibility to finance studies is dedicated to the descendants of Trentino emigrants.
For non-EU citizens the deadline for applications is 6 March 2025.
For further information please visit the following links:
– MISS: ;
– MEIS: ;
– Grants for descendants of Trentino emigrants: .